Purpose of NWM

  • To foster international scientific communications among African women within and across fields in mathematics.
  • To promote equal opportunity and equal treatment of women in Nigerian Mathematical community.
  • To increase access of Nigerian women to socio-economic benefits of mathematics.
  • To increase access of Nigerian women to grants.
  • To provide mentorship of Nigerian female students in primary, secondary and tertiary institutions both at the undergraduate and post graduate levels
  • To cooperate with groups and organizations with similar goals.
  • To promote cooperation and exchange of ideas in mathematics research and teaching of mathematics.
  • To stimulate communication between women in mathematics in Nigerian.
  • To organize research seminars and colloquia in mathematics in Nigerian.
  • To seek and maintain contacts with other mathematics associations within and outside the Nigeria, provided that the objectives and purposes of such other associations are consistent with the objectives and purposes of the association.
  • To endow prizes and awards in mathematics.

Founded in 2014, If you want to join us, register here.